Book Donations
The Library welcomes donations of current and excellent condition books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate, needed or useful. Donated items need to satisfy certain criteria before being accepted, if items do not meet the criteria Library staff may decline the donation.
Donated items criteria:
- Title is in near new condition.
- Title is recently published (in the last 5 years).
- Title is not already in collection.
- Title is of interest to a broad range of clients.
- Serials (magazines) and DVDs are not accepted.
If not acessed at the time of the donation, items not accepted by Library Services will not be returned to the donor. Unsuitable donations are either forwarded to community organisations for sale or disposed of by recycling.
If accepted, the donated item will be added into the Library collection. Donated items cannot remain in one branch and may be borrowed throughout the library service and circulated amongst all library branches. If an accepted donation is later assessed to be worn/damaged, contains information that is outdated or is no longer being used, it will be removed from the collection and not returned to the donor.
Some items that are assessed as unsuitable for the collection may be utilised by other community projects in Library Services.
All donations are accepted on the understanding that the donor has read and accepts the conditions under which donations are accepted.