Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry Library EditionDiscover your ancestry

You can use Ancestry Library Edition, the world’s most popular online genealogy resource, at any of our libraries. Discover your family history by searching through over 7,000 databases, including census, immigration, military and legal records, photos, maps and more.

Ancestry Library Edition offers extensive records from the United States and the United Kingdom, along with collections from Canada, Europe, Australia and other parts of the world.

Visit any of our four libraries to access Ancestry Library Edition.

What records can I search in Ancestry Library Edition?

  • Australian birth, marriage and death records
  • Australian immigration and travel
  • Australian tax, criminal, land and wills lists
  • Convict transport registers 1st, 2nd, 3rd and other fleets
  • Electoral rolls
  • Passenger lists
  • Queensland and South Australia government gazettes
  • References, dictionaries and almanacs
  • Stories, memories and histories
  • Tasmanian immigrant lists 1841–1884

What are the differences between Ancestry Library Edition and

Ancestry Library Edition is designed for use in libraries and by genealogical societies. It can only be accessed on library computers, and users can't upload projects or interact with others. is for individuals. It can be accessed from any device with internet, has an easy-to-use interface, and lets users upload family trees and connect with others.