Accessibility Services

Bega Valley Shire Library is committed to improving accessible and inclusive services and resources to our customers living with disabilities.

The library promotes equitable access to library services and electronic resources. Our member libraries are committed to providing equal access to information for all library users, and we work together to improve vendor products, educate our community, and advance digital accessibility.


Resources to borrow from our eLibrary

Bega Valley Shire Libraries offer eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines on the following platforms:

These platforms assist our customers who may have a disability by providing the following accessibility features:

  1. Dyslexic Users: Able to change the font and background colour on eBooks to make the text easier to read for dyslexic users
  2. Adjustable Player Speed: Able to change the speed options, so you can listen to eAudiobooks at your own pace
  3. Visually Impaired Users: Able to convert digital text into speech so you can listen to the content on the screen

You may download digital resources from the online resources pages of the library website.

Resources to borrow from our Libraries

Books in Dyslexic Font

The library offers fiction and nonfiction for junior and young adult readers in dyslexic font. They are held at Bega Library and available for reservation at any of our branches. These are part of our Accessibility Collection.

  • To search the Junior Dyslexic Collection, go to our catalogue.
  • To search the Young Adult Dyslexic Collection, go to our catalogue.

Large Print Books

Large Print books are available for people who find reading standard books with difficulty.  Large Print books are printed with a font considerably larger than usual to assist people with low vision.

  • To search the Large Print Collection, go to our catalogue.


The library holds Audiobooks for both children and adults, and includes fiction and non-fiction titles. Audiobooks are available in CD and MP3 formats and can be borrowed from all of our library locations. 

To search the Audiobook Collection, go to our catalogue.

Braille Books

Unfortunately, the library does not hold any braille books. You can join the Braille House to borrow braille books free of charge.

Go to the Braille House website.