Collection Development Plan

The Vision of the Bega Valley Shire Library Strategic Plan 2020-2025 is to ‘enrich the community through creative, future focused services, supporting lifelong learning and strong community connection’.

The collection, both in traditional and new technological formats, is at the core of its service provision and is considered a shared resource for the whole community.

Public libraries, by tradition, are expected to serve their communities without limits being imposed by customer groups or cohorts. It is, however, impossible for any library to have, locate, or provide every item that is required by every customer and to service all to the same degree. The quantity and range of materials that can be purchased in any financial year are limited by budgetary considerations. The collection building strategy is therefore based on clear priorities, with major collections and areas of perceived need being targeted on an annual basis for the purpose of allocating resources.

This Collection Development Plan (CDP) document will provide the guidelines for developing a collection that is relevant to both current and potential customers.

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